so, when i got in, adel was happy, teaching guys how to work the computers and the printers. he come to me, and got happier, cause i was going to print autocad drawings, so he could teach them that, to.
on a break, i asked him when he was leaving, and he told me "sunday".
me, "this sunday?"
adel, "yeah, going to dubai, for good", big smile.
i ask how it is there, living there, and he answers "it's great, you should come, lots of buildings being built, 100 flour, over a mile high, lots of work for architects".
i laugh, ask about the food, the women, the weather (all good, according to adel), before i decline "i can't, my kid's here, that's to far to keep seeing him".
he goes "bring him with you!" and i "wishful thinking, can't, he lives with his mother". for adel it's easy: "bring her along, too.....", and it all went down hill, from there.
not going to dubai, but he's happy about coming home, and i'm happy for his happiness.
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